Used to provide a user's karma and standing, as well as to check leaderboards.
Last updated
Used to provide a user's karma and standing, as well as to check leaderboards.
Last updated
Tip: To see their own karma, users must first run /register to link a Steam Profile!
In order to access this command visit any text or thread channel and type /, then select /karma.
When using /host, users are given the option to provide karma to the LFG Post's host. Karma is a useful rating system of sorts for users to award their host's for an enjoyable experience. It can be seen as a useful manner for distinguishing experienced hosts, or simply to encourage competition.
/karma on usage will provide your current karma, Global standing, and Server standing if used within a server text channel. Also listed are Global and Server leaderboards for their top 10 hosts.
/karma allows you to provide a User ID or mention a user. Providing this is only necessary if you are interested in seeing the karma and Global/Server rankings for a user. You will still be provided your own karma and ranking even if the parameter is provided.